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Your Search Returned "156" Results. (151 - 156 Displayed)

First Name Family Name Year of Record Record Location Image Free? View
Sussman Kadetsky 1942

Ridgewood, NY- Old Mt. Carmel, Cypress Ave.

Toba Kadetsky 1951

Ridgewood, NY- Mt. Judah, Cypress Ave.

Moses Michel Kadetz ------

NY-Kings County

Benjamin Kadetzki 1898

Jewish Orphan Asylum Association of Western New York, 1899, - List of children inmates as of January 1, 1898

Jacob Kadetzki 1898

Jewish Orphan Asylum Association of Western New York, 1899, - List of children inmates as of January 1, 1898

Rose Kadetzki 1898

Jewish Orphan Asylum Association of Western New York, 1899, - List of children inmates as of January 1, 1898
