Jewish Data is one of the largest professionally compiled Jewish Genealogy resources of its kind currently available. We have over 1,000,000 Jewish Genealogy records including images of Jewish Tombstones, school yearbook pages and Citizen Declaration documents.
New Jewish Genealogy records are added on an ongoing basis. View records from around the world and submit your local Jewish Cemetery records and photos to help increase the Jewish Genealogy records and provide information for other Jewish Genealogy seekers.
read moreThe database displays records gathered from around the world and makes them available with a few clicks. This saves time and money for people interested in viewing the records. Another great accomplishment of the database
In theory we are interested in all Jewish records. So far we have posted from locations we were able to get our staff to and that lead to working on much of NY, NJ, IL, CA, Canada, Germany, and Israel. In each location, we usually start with capturing the oldest records available.
The database is available at some Public Libraries for example, the Library of Congress, the Center for Jewish History in NY City. There is a small fee for individuals to access the database, and searches are all free.
Yes. You can enter the name in the name field, and then enter a city of country in the location field. For example- Cohen, Germany. For that matter you can enter a city name in the location field. and leave the name blank, to browse records at a location.
There is a link to a complete list on the home page under the main banner.
The records in this database are obtained by hired photographers who travel to distant locations and work for days or weeks to complete the job. The records also have to be indexed and edited. Some websites offer random records that individuals donate, but here we have an organized method of obtaining complete records forming a very large collection.
The records of many cemeteries are usually not as complete as they believe. We are glad that our website helped you find the record you've been looking for.