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Your Search Returned "7" Results. (1 - 7 Displayed)

First Name Family Name Year of Record Record Location Image Free? View
Betsy Jacobs 1908

Chicago, IL- Waldheim

Betsy Jacobs 1820

The Female Hebrew Benevolent Society of Philadelphia, 1820

Betsy Pareira Jacobs 1895

The Family of Abraham Jacobs (1833-1892) and Betsy Pareira Jacobs (1837-1895) , by Mary Jean Johnson Lehman and Nancy Felson Brant in 1994, digitized by the Leo Baeck Institute

Betsy Pareira Jacobs 1994

The Family of Abraham Jacobs (1833-1892) and Betsy Pareira Jacobs (1837-1895) , by Mary Jean Johnson Lehman and Nancy Felson Brant in 1994, digitized by the Leo Baeck Institute

Betsy Pareira Jacobs ------

The Family of Abraham Jacobs (1833-1892) and Betsy Pareira Jacobs (1837-1895) , by Mary Jean Johnson Lehman and Nancy Felson Brant in 1994, digitized by the Leo Baeck Institute

Betsy Pareira Jacobs 1895

The Family of Abraham Jacobs (1833-1892) and Betsy Pareira Jacobs (1837-1895) , by Mary Jean Johnson Lehman and Nancy Felson Brant in 1994, digitized by the Leo Baeck Institute

Betsy Leigh Jacobson 1965

The Bnai Brith Messenger, Los Angeles, CA State Notices Archive
